2011 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: The Tide that Binds: Exploring the Victorian Coast

Rebecca Beausaert (York University)
“‘Where the bathers love to dip and the rowers go to row’: Late-Nineteenth and Early-Twentieth Century Female Tourists in Elora, Ontario”

Sara Malton (St. Mary’s University)
“Rough Waters: Naval Impressment and Nineteenth-Cenury Cultural Memory”

Suzanne Stuart  (Mount Allison University)
“Seascape and Mindscape: Coleridge’s ‘Rime’ and the Legacy of its Illustrated Editions”

2010 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: Victorian Systems and Standardization

Gregory Brophy (University of Western Ontario)
“Graphomania and the Graphical Method”

 Robin Durnford (University of Alberta)
“Galton’s Computer: A Standard for Immortality in an Odd Victorian Text”

Janice Schroeder (Carleton University)
“Typical Deviants: School Systems and Schooled Subjects”

2009 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: Looking Backward: Victorian Futures

Michele Braun, Northeastern University
“I Tell You, You Are an Animal”: The Emergence of a Posthuman Theory in The Island of Dr. Moreau”

Daniel Burgoyne, Vancouver Island University
“Cultural Inversions of Belief: The Lost World of James De Mille’s A Strange Manuscript”

Stefania Forlini, University of Calgary
“Technology and Morality: The Stuff of Steampunk”

Alison Halsall, York University
“Victorian Superheroes? Re-Imagining the Victorians in the Graphic Novel”

2008 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: The Victorians and Language

D.M.R. Bentley, University of Western Ontario
“The Sexual Languages of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Venus Verticordia and Related Works

Ann Gagné, University of Western Ontario
“The Language of Embodied Experience: Touch as Discourse in Theodora: A Fragment”

Gregory Mackie, University of British Columbia
“The Function of Decorum at the Present Time: Moral Language in Wilde’s Comedies”

2007 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: Victorian Virtual Realities

Ruth Knecthel, York University
“New Women and Hypermedia Realities: What We Can Learn from Egerton and Schriner”

Jennifer L. Blair, Rutgers University
“‘For the sake of an eventuality that might neer occur’: Designing North America’s First Fire Escape”

Julia Mamolo, University of Waterloo
“Photographic Un/Realities: Representations of Photography, 1839 to 1855”

2006 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: Victorian Modernisms

Nicola Spunt, York University
“Figuring the Promises of Consumption in Christina Rosetti’s Goblin Market and James Joyce’s Ulysses”

Stephen Ross, University of Victoria
“Séance on Shipboard: The Spiritualist Soul of Conrad’s Nigger”

Alison Halsall, York University
“Modernist Haunted Houses: Pre-Raphaelite Spectres in H.D.’s White Rose and the Red”

2005 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: Signs of the Times

D.M.R. Bentley, University of Western Ontario
” Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Ruskinian Water-Colours of 1855″

Grade Kehler, McMaster University
” Reading the Victorian ‘Lady’ Gardener”

Alexandra Kimball, University of Western Ontario
“From The Yellow Book to ‘Yellow Journalism’: The Rise of the Tabloid Press and Aestheticism’s Fictions of Excess”

2004 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: Victorian Crossings

Robert Bell, McMaster University
“Dramatic Penalties: Audience Responses to Reade’s It’s Never Too Late to Mend”

D.M.R. Bentley, University of Western Ontario
“Anna Jameson on the Thames, Upper Canada”

Claire Senior, University of Western Ontario
” Crossing ‘The Unknown Sea’: The Angel of Death in Dombey and Son”

2003 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: Victorian Monuments and (Concepts of) Space

Suzanne Stewart, University of Saskatchewan
“‘Thus she went forward from farm to farm’: Concepts of Rural Space in Works by Wordsworth, Turner, Millet, and Hardy”

D.M.R. Bentley, University of Western Ontario
” Transforming ‘Space’ into ‘Location’: Bridges in Victorian Canada”

Kate Higginson, McMaster University
“Pauline Johnson, Shelley Niro, and the Continued Contestation of the Brant Monument”

2002 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: From Victorianism to Globalization

Christopher Keep, University of Western Ontario
“Ethereal Telegraphy and the Phantasy of the Global Archive”

Melba Cuddy-Keane, University of Toronto
“Modelling Cultural Globalization in the ‘Take-off Phase'”

Julia M. Wright, Wilfrid Laurier University
“Entering Global Modernity: The Transformation of the Nation in Stoker’s Lady of the Shroud

2001 VSAO/ACCUTE Panel: Victorian Studies and Interdisciplinarity

Marjorie Stone, Dalhouse University
“Split Subjects: Dramatic Monologues, Victorian Psychology, and Representations of Sexual Obsession”

Julia M. Wright, Wilfrid Laurier University
“Growing Pains: Representing The Romantic in Gaskell’s Wives and Daughters

Lisa Brocklebank, Brown University
“The Visualization of Anorexia Nervosa in Mary de Morgan’s A Toy Princess