May 2013

1.Outgoing President’s Message
2.Panels of Interest to Victorianists at Congress 2013

Outgoing President’s Message and Summary of VSAO 2013 Conference

A sunny April 27th saw VSAO’s 46th annual convention take place at York University’s Glendon Campus. Thirty-seven Association members gathered for a day of Victorian scholarship and conviviality. We were sustained by the usual superb lunch from Maria Franco, and by the VSAO’s traditional sherry at the end of the day. During the lunch, a business meeting was held, at which Alison Syme was acclaimed as the new VSAO President—congratulations to her, and thanks for agreeing to take over this position.

The main events of the day of course were the scholarly presentations, which were all of outstanding quality and gave stimulating perspectives on the conference topic from different disciplinary perspectives.

15b9477a-23f1-49f0-b242-a51429ce071aIn the morning panel, three scholars presented their work. The first was Prof. Ann Colley, of Buffalo State: her talk showcased discoveries from the archive of Manchester’s Bellevue Zoo., which from the 1830s on put on display for its working-class visitors both exotic animals, such as elephants, and examples of advanced technology, such as generators. For almost all of its history, moreover, (the Zoo closed in 1977), the Zoo offered its visitors daily spectacular historical reenactments, often with imperialist themes. The second speaker on the morning panel was Simon Reader, a doctoral student at Toronto, who shared his work on Oscar Wilde’s notebooks, showing that notebook entries were a model and in some cases a first draft for many of Wilde’s aphorisms, and arguing that in consequence the cultural meaning of the aphorism as a genre can usefully be understood through information theory. The third paper on the panel was delivered by Prof. Marlis Schweitzer of York University, and concerned the child actress Jean Davenport and her performances in Kingston, Jamaica, and Newfoundland in the 1830s and 1840s. In their divided response to Davenport’s performances in classic male roles, colonial writers staged anxieties about the authenticity and manliness of the versions of English culture embodied on their stages and in their newspapers.

5674d57d-57d8-445a-ae75-51c993ecb374In the afternoon, we were treated to two superb plenary addresses. The first, by Prof Dennis Denisoff of Ryerson University, discussed the paradoxical combination of secretiveness with theatricality in late Victorian occultism, especially in the rituals of the Order of the Golden Dawn. The incorporation of fiction and theater into these rituals, and their influence in turn on the genres from which they borrowed, is a crucial part of the story of British culture at the fin de siècle, as Denisoff’s paper demonstrated. Golden Dawn rituals incorporated material from Richard Marsh’s The Beetle and in turn influenced Wilde’s Salomé, whose first English performance was directed by Florence Farr, a Golden Dawn initiate.

a2fb1258-f485-4a44-a913-102cafa830e6The afternoon’s second plenary, and the final event before the conference adjourned for sherry, “Reading Melodrama,” was by Prof. Carolyn Williams of Rutgers University.  This talk provided a formal typology of performance practices in Victorian melodrama, focusing above all on the tableau or“picture.” The melodramatic tableau derived in part from genre paintings, which indeed some tableaux reproduced. In something like a Benjaminian flash, the tableau disrupted linear time with a representation of time in a different schema. The tableau could represent simultaneity, or transformation, or it could project an inner psychological state of a protagonist as if onto a screen. In the latter part of her talk, Williams moved on to consider the music of melodrama, which was sometimes specially composed, as the cinematic score is today, and sometimes made up of stock motifs, known as “melos,” which were associated with particular moods and could be repeatedly reused. Her talk concluded by noting the ways in which the techniques and formal traits of Victorian melodrama persist in genres that have survived or succeeded it, such the novel, opera, and film.

All of the speakers and participants contributed to make a this a day of real scholarly interest for everyone who attended. The group included senior scholars and many graduate students, which augurs well for VSAO’s future and for the continued excellence of the spring conferences.

Matthew Rowlinson
Department of English and Centre for Theory and Criticism, University of Western Ontario


Panels of Interest to Victorianists at Congress 2013,
University of Victoria

Compiled by Letitia Henville

The following is a list of panels happening under the purview of Congress 2013. The panels mentioned here focus on Victorian studies for the most part, but a few panels have been listed because they include an individual paper on a Victorian topic. Please confirm time and location details in the final programs; location details not yet available for all panels. Individual organization programs can be accessed through the Congress website:

Our VSAO panel will be happening at ACCUTE
Monday, June 3 from 1:30 – 3:15
3B – We Are Not Amused: Victorian Comedy and Humour
Location: TBA
Organizers: Letitia Henville and Beth Martin
Andrea Day (Toronto): “Parody in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and The Jungle Book”
Rachel McArthur (Toronto): “Victorian Comedic Theory: The Progressive Turn”
Emily Morris (Saskatchewan): “‘Their dress is very independent of fashion’: The humorous and the sartorial in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cranford”

ACCUTE – Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English
BSC – Bibliographic Society of Canada
CATR – Canadian Association of Theatre Research
CATS – Canadian Association for Translation Studies
CHA – Canadian Historical Association
CSHPS – Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science
CSHM – Canadian Society for the History of Medicine

Saturday June 1st

2B – Joint Session with the North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA) / Victoria Studies Association of Western Canada (VSAWC): At the Edge of the Real
Organizers: Lisa Surridge and Mary Elizabeth Leighton
“A Ghostly Theatre of War: Edging from History to Heritage in Thomas Hardy’s Landscape”Joel Hawkes
“Invisible Hands and Epistemological Limits in Victorian Sensation Fiction” Fiona Coll
“George Gissing’s Impressions of the Real” Michael Lesiuk

2D – Contained Colonialisms
“‘Tainted with other Creatures’: Imperial Subjects in The Island of Dr. Moreau” Leah Golob
“A Farce of Bad Faith: Disability and the ‘Community Sick’ in Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People” Stephanie Yorke
“‘Dark Continents Within’: the Personal and the Political in Victorian Spiritualism” Amy Lehman

1:00 – 3:00
Session 4 Addictions 
ECS 116
Chair/Présidence: Cheryl Krasnick Warsh (Vancouver Island University)
“The Cold War on Alcoholism: Gender, Politics and the Shaping of American Alcoholism, 1950-1965,” Tess Lanzarotta (Yale University)
“Habitual risk: Insurance, Professional Authority and the Medicalization of Addiction in the Nineteenth Century,” Dan Malleck (Brock University)
“Cancer, Conservatism, and Heroin: The Debate over Heroin Pain Relief Treatment for Terminally Ill Patients during Reagan’s War on Drugs,” Lucas Richert (University of Saskatchewan)

3:15 – 4:45
Session 9 Charitable Organizations 
Engineering Office Wing 430
Chair/Présidence: Greg Marchildon (University of Regina)
“L’histoire du don d’organes au Quebec de 1958 à 2010,” Philippe Desmarais (Université du Québec à Montréal)
“‘That They May Live’: Symbolic Sacrifice and the Success of the Canadian Red Cross National Blood Donor Service, 1940-1945,” Sarah Glassford (University of Prince Edward Island)
“Provincial Paramedics: The Birmingham Chapter of the Royal Humane Society, c.1800-1850,” Jonathan Reinarz (University of Birmingham)

4C – Objets en scène
“Reading the Room: William Morris’s Socialist Emblematics” Heather McAlpine
“Modernist Spectacles in the Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista” Anderson D. Araujo
“Darwinism and the ‘Stored Beauty’ of Culture in Edith Wharton’s Fiction” Paul Ohler

Sunday June 2

9:00 – 10:30
Session 10 Regulating Buildings and Bodies 
ECS 116
Chair/Présidence: Barbara Brookes (University of Otago)
“Lodgers and Their Houses: Constructing Regulations in Victorian England and Wales,” James Hanley (University of Winnipeg)
“Planning for the Patient: Gordon A Friesen, Patient-centred Care and Automation,” David Theodore (Harvard University)
“‘More Than Making a Place for Ourselves’: The Black Hospital Movement in Detroit, 1910-1930,” Michael Aloisio (University of Western Ontario)

Patrolling Nineteenth-Century Theatricality on Land and Sea
Panelists: Mary Isbell and Isabel Stowell-Kaplan.
Moderator: Tony Vickery

ACCUTE, Christianity and Literature Study Group
Chair: John North (University of Waterloo)
“Poetic Pre-Texts: Musical Settings of Christina Rossetti’s Poetry” Mary Arseneau (University of Ottawa)
“Escaping Mistaking Inscape: Ward’s Challenge to the Traditional Understanding of Inscape” Jennifer Doede (Trinity Western University)
“‘The Religion of the Future’: Daniel Deronda and the Mystical Imagination” Marilyn Orr (Laurentian University)
“Gerard Manley Hopkins: Sensuality and Spirituality in the Diaries and Journals” Suzanne Stewart (St. Francis Xavier University)

Monday June 3

8:30 – 10:00
1. Acts of Looking: Cultural Perspectives in Canadian Rural History 
Facilitator / Animatrice : Ruth Sandwell (OISE)
“Fragile and Focused: Glass Plate Photography and Perceptions of Rural Ontario’s Landscape, 1860-1920” Jacqueline Cannata (Guelph)
“Envisioning a Rural Landscape: Settlers, Bureaucrats, and Land in Nineteenth-Century Ontario” Derek Murray (UVic)
“Looking for the Blind: Locating Disability in the Late Nineteenth-Century Rural Maritimes” Sara Spike (Carleton)
Commentator / Commentatrice : Ruth Sandwell (OISE)

8:30 – 10:00
4. Labour Strategies in a Fractured World / Stratégies du Travail dans un monde décousu
“Harmoniser le Travail et le Capital: retour sur l’expérience des Chevaliers du travail montréalais en politique fédérale, 1885-1896” Marc-André Gagnon
“The aged poor at the intersection of shifting attitudes and concepts of care: the transformation of a House of Industry to an extended care center, Montreal, 1863-1976” Janice Anita Harvey (Dawson College)
“An “unyielding, uncompromising attitude”: Breaking the Guild at Canadian Press, 1950-53” Gene Allen (Ryerson)
““You are not required to give your place of employment although, undoubtedly, you will be asked:” Workplace Strategies of Gay and Lesbian Workers in Ontario, 1945-1986” Mathieu Brule (York)

CSHPS/CSHM Joint Session
Experimenting with Fluid Objects 
Session Organizer: Frank W. Stahnisch, U. of Calgary
Chair and Commentary: Delia Gavrus, McGill U.
“Experimenting with Living Animals and Humans in Nineteenth-Century Nutrition Physiology”
Elizabeth Neswald (Brock U)
“Experimentalizing Life and Art in Fin-de-Siècle Europe” Bob Brain (U. of British Columbia)
“Clinical Cancer Research in early Twentieth Century France” Tricia Close-Koenig (Université de Strasbourg)
“On the Conditions of Neurophysiological Research in German-Speaking Refugee Neuroscientists in North-America, 1933 to 1963” Frank W. Stahnisch (U. of Calgary)

Joint Session with North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA) and Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada (VSAWC): At the Edge of Perception
Organizers: Lisa Surridge and Mary Elizabeth Leighton
“What I Hardly Knew I Knew: Great Expectations and the Discourse of Mental Latency” Tyson Stolte
“The Unseen Sailor: Dickens, Impressment, and Cultural Memory” Sara Malton

“We Are Not Amused”: Victorian Comedy and Humour
Organizer: Letitia Henville
“Parody in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and The Jungle Book” Andrea Day
“Victorian Comedic Theory: The Progressive Turn” Rachel McArthur
“‘Their dress is very independent of fashion’: The humorous and the sartorial in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cranford” Emily Morris

The “Evolution” of Victorian Science
CLE D267
Session Organiser: Bernard Lightman, York U.
Chair: Hannah Gay, SFU/Imperial College
“The ‘indisputable authority’ of the Greenwich Observatory” Kenneth Corbett (U. of British Columbia)
“William Huggins, Evolutionary Naturalism and the Nature of the Nebulae” Robert W. Smith (U. of Alberta)
“The Faith of Scientific Naturalism” Bernard Lightman (York U.)

Proletarian Publishing
Room: Cornett A-129
Chair: Carole Gerson (Simon Fraser University)
“Imprimeur, journaliste et syndicaliste: la carrière polyvalente de Gustave Francq (1871-1952)” Éric Leroux (l’Université de Montréal)
“Proletarian Literature in Canada, 1872-1919” David Buchanan (Simon Fraser University)

Session 3a
Science et exploration au XIXe siècle
Chair: Alvaro Echeverri
“Traduction et missions scientifiques au Venezuela au 19e siècle” Georges Bastin (Université de Montréal)
“The comeback of David Livingstone’s Missionary Travels into Spanish: translated science, manipulation and censorship revisited.” Juan Miguel Zarandona (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
“L’explorateur savant et l’aventurier: Darwin, Wallace et la diffusion de la Théorie de l’évolution.” Sylvie Vandaele (Université de Montréal)

3:15 – 4:45
22. Canada’s First Post-Confederation Decade: The Big Picture with Big Data 
Facilitator / Animateur : Eric Sager (UVic)
“Wilson Benson Revisited: Movement and Persistence in Rural Perth County, Ontario, 1871-1881” Peter Baskerville (Alberta)
“The life course transitions of Canada’s children, 1871-1881” Lisa Dillon (Université de Montréal)
“People in Motion: Canadians during the 1870s” Luiza Antonie (Guelph), Kris Inwood (Guelph), J. Andrew Ross (Guelph)

3:15 – 4:45
24. Science and the Environment in North America, from the 18th to the 20th century 
“Do Salmon Eat Moose? Reconstructing the Environments of the Pacific Northwest, 1793-1913” Ted Binnema (UNBC)
“Romanticism, the Sciences, and Northern Landscape Appreciation, c. 1790–1830” Angela Byrne (National University of Ireland: Maynooth & University of Toronto)
“‘Canada has already stripped the U.S. in this respect’: The Ties that Bound and Separated North American Forest Entomologists, 1900-30” Mark Kuhlberg (Laurentian)
Commentator / Commentateur : TBA

3:15 – 4:45
28. Intersections and Edges of Science and Technology 
Facilitator / Animateur: Emmanuel Hogg (Carleton)
“Brokering the Art/Science Divide in Fin-de-Siècle Europe: Reflections on Models of Boundary and Exchange in the History of Science” Robert M. Brain (UBC)
“Reliable Humans, Trustworthy Machines: A History of the Technological Self” Edward Jones-Imhotep (York)
“The Chemist at War: The Death of the Gentleman Scientist” Andrew Ede (Alberta)
Commentator / Commentateur : Emmanuel Hogg (Carleton)

Session 4a
La traduction scientifique du XVIIE au XIXE siècle en occident
Chair: Marco Fiola
“‘Mysteries divulged’: Holland and the Translation of Natural History in Early Modern England” Marie‐Alice Belle (Université de Montréal)
“La querelle épistémologique entre Francesco Algarotti et son traducteur français Louis‐Adrien Duperron de Castera” Roch Duval (Université de Montréal)
On the Origin of Species de Charles Darwin – Traduction de la modalité épistémique” Eve­Marie Gendron­Pontbriand (Université de Montréal)
“Le médecin traducteur au XIXe siècle: simple groupie éclairée ou professionnel de la fidélité au texte? Réflexion à partir d’un recueil fondateur dans le domaine chirurgical” Delphine Olivier‐Bonfils “Université de Montréal”

Tuesday June 4

8:30 – 10:00
36. Claiming the West: Conflicts and Contests in the Establishment of Albertan Urban Communities 
“Pitchforks and Red Coats: Land Office Politics and Early Urban Development at Edmonton” Lisa Chilton (UPEI)
“Mob Violence, Vaccination, and Quarantine: Southern Alberta and the Formation of a White Settler Society, 1892” Kristin Burnett (Lakehead)
“Haunting Settler Colonial Cities: Reconciling Historical Displacements and Imagined Futures on Edmonton’s Rossdale Flats” Logan Mardhani-Bayne (Yale)

North American Science
CLE A203
Chair: Bob Brain, U. of British Columbia
Session Organiser: James Hull, U. of British Columbia, Okanagan
“Aboriginal Contributions to Science on the Northwest Coast between 1826 and 1860” Darrell Racine (Brandon U.)
“The Banksian Empire In British North America” Brian Schefke (U. of Washington)
“Watts Across The Border” James Hull (U. of British Columbia, Okanagan)

10:15 – 11:45
43. History-Telling in the Visual Archive: Photography, Power, and Identity 
Facilitator / Animatrice : Carol Williams (Lethbridge)
“‘Given Enough Time, All Photographs Become Equally Important’: Visual Archives of Childhood and Colonialism” Kristine Alexander (Saskatchewan)
“Privatizing Public Space and Street Sociability in Montreal and Paris, 1870-1940” Kathleen Lord (Mount Allison)
“Ethics, Photographs, and Historical Practice: Lessons from the Freak Show” Jane Nicholas (Lakehead)
Commentator / Commentatrice : Carol Williams (Lethbridge)

10:15 – 11:45
45. Making Time: The Cultural Constructions of Time and its Uses 
Facilitator / Animatrice : Shirley Tillotson (Dalhousie)
“Standard Time in Quebec, 1870-1920” Jarrett Rudy (McGill)
“Idleness and the Misuse of Time in Canada” Craig Heron (York)
“How Adam Built a Pipe Organ in Kansas City: The Writings of Willard Cleon Skousen, the Other Mormon Reshaping American Conservatism” Stuart Parker (SFU)

10:15 – 11:45
46. Intersections Observed and Experienced within 19th Century Rural Ontario Neighbourhoods: Methods and Mapping, People and Spaces 
Facilitator / Animateur : James Murton (Nipissing)
“Rural Landscapes as Governable Spaces: Politics of Work and Community in Upper Canada” John Walsh (Carleton)
“Work Groups and Neighbourhoods in Ontario: Understanding Their Intersections and Mapping Their Edges Using Farm Diaries and Focused-Digs, 1830-1920” Catharine Wilson (Guelph)
“On the Farm, In the Town, and in the City: Farmers’ Lives and Community in Rural Middlesex County, Ontario, 1850-1914” Nick Van Allen (Guelph)
Commentator / Commentateur : James Murton (Nipissing)

19th century science
CLE A203
Chair: Bernard Lightman, York U.
“Writing Global Knowledge: Oceans and Texts” Katharine Anderson (York U.)
“Savants, Amateurs et Curieux en France au XVIIIe siècle : à la frontière de l’utile et de
l’agréable.” Marie Lemonnier (Université de Sherbrooke)
“Seeing Canada with Scientific Eyes” David Orenstein (Toronto District School Board)
“The Ontario Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and Eugenics” Riiko Bedford (U. of Toronto)

2F – Joint Session with International Gothic Association (IGA): Monstrosities II
Organizer: Karen Macfarlane
“‘Egregiously Mistaken on the Question of Sex’: Reading the Monstrous Female Body in Richard Marsh’s The Beetle” Susan Hroncek
“Vampires Don’t Sparkle: Monstrous Domesticity in the Twilight Saga” Sarah E. Maier
“Monsters for—and by—Blanche: Camping and Performing the Gothic in Aldrich’s What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?” Thom Bryce

Writing and Publishing in Canada at the turn of the 20th century
“From the Edge to the Center: Or, How Print Culture Affected the Imagined Emplacement of Nineteenth-Century Writers in Brantford, Ontario” Kathryn Carter (Laurier Brantford)
“We had Bliss Carman Here Last Week: The Canadian Author’s Association and Book Week” Gail Edwards (Douglas College)
“Enabling a Mathematical Culture in Canada: the Development of Mathematical Printing at the University of Toronto Press” Sylvia Nickerson (University of Toronto)

Wednesday June 5

10:15 – 11:45
66. Exploring the Perimeters of the Historian’s Craft: Music as History (sponsored by the Media & Communication History committee of the CHA)
Facilitator / Animateur : Stuart Henderson (McMaster)
“Popular Ballads and Taxation under Pitt” Robin Ganev (Saskatchewan)
“British Men Singing Politics: The Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Catch Club, 1830-1850” Kristina Guiguet (Independent Scholar)
“Listening to the Past: Popular Music and Social Commentary in 1920’s Canada” Molly Ungar (UFV)
Commentator / Commentateur : Colin Coates (York)

10:15 – 11:45
69. New Directions in Gender and Political History 
Facilitator / Animatrice : Magda Fahrni ((UQAM)
“The electoral boundaries of gender: citizenship, patriarchy, and the franchise in Nova Scotia, 1851-1863” Colin Grittner
“‘An emergency which is increasing daily’: Debates about the Wartime Day Nurseries Agreement in Canada” Lisa Pasolli (UFV)
“Waffling Towards Parity: The Waffle Movement, Women’s Liberation, and Gender Equity in the New Democratic Party” Roberta Lexier (Mount Royal)

10:15 – 11:45
73. Tourism, Identities, and Borders in Québec (19th-20th centuries) 
Facilitator / Animatrice : Nicole Neatby (St. Mary’s)
“Visits to a Cold and Barren Land: C.H. Farnham, Harper’s Magazine, and the Lower St Lawrence, 1883-89” Jack Little (SFU)
“La promotion du tourisme automobile et l’élargissement du territoire touristique: vers l’effacement des frontières (1920-1975)?” Maude-Emmanuelle Lambert (Université de Montréal)
“« Near enough to be neighbors yet strange enough to be the goal of our pilgrimage ». Tourisme et frontière(s) identitaire(s) en Gaspésie (1929-1963)” Jacinthe Archambault (UQAM)
Commentator / Commentatrice : Nicole Neatby (St. Mary’s)

Aesthetics and Genres: The Illustrated Texts
“A Tale of Two Texts: Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities in America and Britain” Mary Elizabeth Leighton & Lisa Surridge (University of Victoria)
“Defining American Mainstream Comic Books” Ofer Berenstein (University of Calgary)
“The Mouse’s Tail: A Tale of Typography and Technology” Amanda Lastoria & John Maxwell (Simon Fraser University)

1:30 – 3:00
82. Intersection of Empire: British Imperial Frontiers in the Middle East in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century 
“Seeing Like A Colony, Protesting Like A State: The Historical Significance and Legacy of the 1899 Egyptian-Sudanese Border” Martin Bunton (UVic)
“An Arab Island in an African Sea: British Ideas of Zanzibar, 1861-1897” Kris Radford (York)
“Imperial Hubris on the Persian Frontier of the Raj: Lord Curzon and the ‘Bushire Incident’ of 1903” Christopher Ross (UVic)

3:15 – 4:45
89. The Multiple Lives of James Douglas 
“Will the Real James Douglas Please Step Forward?: Disentangling the Obfuscations of Modernity” Keith Carlson (Saskatchewan)
“Colonial Power and Colonial Lives: Rereading James Douglas” Adele Perry (Manitoba)
“Full Disclosure?: James Douglas and the Colonial Office.” Kenton Storey (Brandon)
Commentator / Commentatrice : Laura Ishiguro (UBC)

3:15 – 4:45
90. The Intersection of Rural Women and Modernity 
Facilitator / Animatrice : Catherine Anne Wilson (Guelph)
“Urban Meets Rural: The Intersection of New Woman Ideals and Women’s Institutes in British Columbia, 1909-1913” Linda Ambrose (Laurentian)
“Homemade versus Readymade?: Ontario Farm Families’ Textile Consumption Practices in the Interwar Period” Andrea M. Gal (Wilfrid Laurier)
“The Fair Attend the Fair: Women’s Participation in Agricultural Fairs in Ontario, 1846-1970” Jodey Nurse (Guelph)
“‘Young Rovers’ and ‘Dazzling Lady Meteors’: Bicycle Clubs and Heterosexuality in Late-Nineteenth Century Oxford County, Ontario” Rebecca Beausaert (York)
Commentator / Commentatrice : Catherine Anne Wilson (Guelph)

3:15 – 4:45
91. Intersections and Edges of Indigenous Sovereignty in North America 
Facilitator / Animatrice: Carolyn Podruchny (York)
“‘A King in Every Countrey’: French and English Encounters with Indigenous Leadership in the Americas before 1650” Peter Cook (UVic)
“In the Court of Public Opinion: Indigenous Violence, Military Tribunals, and the Modoc War, 1872-1873” Boyd Cothran (York)
“Invoking Creation, Inheriting Earth: Anishinaabe Expressions of Sovereignty” Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark (UVic)
Commentator / Commentatrice : Carolyn Podruchny (York)

3:15 – 4:45
94. Nurses with Borders: Drawing and Crossing Lines in the 19th and 20th century Nursing Worlds 
Facilitator / Animatrice : Myra Rutherdale (York)
“At the intersection of education, race and culture: Canadian nurses within international training programs, 1920-1939” Jaime Lapeyre (Ottawa)
“Permeating Borders: Nurses, Nations, and Trans-national Religious Networks in the Nineteenth Century” Aeleah Soine (St. Mary’s College of California)
“Crossing political borders and creating professional boundaries; U.S. nurses in colonial territories of the early twentieth century” Winifred C. Connerton (Pace)
“Forming Boundaries and Crossing Borders in Colonial Nurses’ Life Writing” Jessica Howell (King’s College, London)
“Gender and nursing in the tropics, 1890-1960: Divergence and Convergence” Rosemary Wall (Hull)
Commentator / Commentateur : Pierre-Yves Saunier (Laval)